Saturday, January 9, 2010


GO AWAY MAMA RIGHT NOW!!!, originally uploaded by mdwinell.

Owen is currently in the midst of potty training. I have had the little potty out for months, and we have acknowledged it...but I decided not to push him too hard, as I think maybe I started a bit too soon with Lily. What can I say?? I was TIRED of changing diapers. But she tried my patience over and over telling me 700 times a day she had to go potty until I just stopped believing her all together, because it rarely ever ended in her actually going potty. One day she just decided. And that was pretty much it.

SO now Owen has newfound interest and on 1/8/10 he DID it! He really actually went in the potty. He was sitting eating breakfast and he stopped and said "Go potty Mommy!". I took him over and was helping him get situated when he said, "GO AWAY MAMA...RIGHT NOW!". I was skeptical when I closed the door behind me, but low and behold a minute or two later I heard him yell. "I DID IT!!!".

I opened the bathroom door to see him lift the lid and closely inspect his work. He proudly proclaimed, "I SEE IT!!!". We gave a flush and he earned himself a Hershey's Kiss as a treat.

As a sidenote we started offering chocolate treats for #2 on the potty with Lily and she suddenly started going 4-5 #2s a day...just to earn multiple chocolates. But worked! It never ceases to amaze me how smart the little ones are!!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Dancy Dance!

DSC00354, originally uploaded by mdwinell.

Owen is so into "dancing" which consists of spinning around in circles. He couldn't resist running on "stage" while Taylor and Lily were putting on their show. He is really into singing and dancing right now. He loves to sing PUFF the magic dragon. He even has started to say dragon!

It was quite a Mother's Day complete with entertainment by the kids, homemade cards, and King's Hawaiian salads to go along with the teriyaki chicken and pineapple that Darren grilled. We also shared the company of Gail's Aunt Evelyn and her daughter Linda Lee and husband, and her daughter Vicky and husband.

It was nice to hear some stories from the past and reconnect with some of Dar's family.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Owen digs on the sandbox

Messy Boy!, originally uploaded by mdwinell.

This is the first time I actually let Owen crawl into the sandbox and he enjoyed it very much! He also liked throwing the sand everywhere. BOYS. We had a lovely BBQ for Great Grandpa George's Birthday and the kids had a great time playing together in the yard. It was a beautiful day!

Saturday, May 2, 2009


I came home on Saturday night to find THIS in our ceiling. Dar lost his footing while putting some boxes in the attic and he punched a rather giant hole in the ceiling. Lily wanted to know whether a witch lived up there and all Owen could do was point and say UT-OH!!!