Thursday, April 30, 2009

All wet!

I DO THAT!, originally uploaded by mdwinell.

I went to take a few photos at the Aquarium in Long Beach of Lily, Annika and Ang and I turned back around to find Owen elbow deep (with his long-sleeved jacket on) splashing in the stingray petting tank. He was soaking wet! All he kept saying is I DO THAT! I DO THAT! What a nut :)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


This is just a glimpse at our daily lives here in the Dwinell household. Owen is just starting to get a few phrases down and he and Lily are duking it out on the sharing front. We never have a dull moment!

Monday, April 27, 2009

that's my dog!

that's my dog!, originally uploaded by mdwinell.

owen thought that this dog we encountered at wilson park was katie or daisy (grandma and grandpa's dogs). he was puzzled as to why these other kid were walking HIS dog?!?

he had a blast running through the accessible treehouse and then playing with cousins kailie and taylor on the playground after their torrettes performance at the relay for life.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Owen fed himself with a spoon!

Tonight we gave Owen a cup of pudding and let him have at it with a spoon. For awhile now we have realized that we taught Lily much earlier how to eat with silverware, but Owen is just a bit more wild...and he happens to sit much closer when he eats to Darren's other "baby" -- the stereo equipment.

He was very proud of himself when he managed to get the pudding in his mouth as he smiled and proclaimed "I DID IT!!".